Information from manufacturers,
Bathtub faucet Svedberg's Spika is a two-handle thermostatic faucet in brass that has a modern design.
CC dimensions: 160 mm
Height: 109 mm
Grip: Two-grip mixer
Connection Water: G 1/2
Width: 109 mm
Depth: 109 mm
- Scald protection that shuts off the hot water in the event of a cold water failure
- Ceramic seal for long life
- Safety stop at 38°C to avoid scalding accidents
- Reverse function in the flow knob
- Type-approved non-return valves in the inlets.- Backflow protection according to SS-EN 1717 [EB]. SS-EN 1717 is a device that reduces the risk of contaminated water returning to drinking water
- Food approved materials in all components
- Quick reaction to temperature and pressure changes for a consistent water temperature
- Ceramic shut-off which provides drip protection and a long service life while providing easy use even for small and weak hands