09:00 - 13:00 UTC+01:00
The auction handover is on Friday, January 24th between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Please respect the times.
The buyer is responsible for all dismantling and removal of the equipment. All dismantling MUST be done in a professional manner. Any damage to the property will be directed at the purchasing customer. No cut cables may occur during dismantling.
The buyer must bring their own tools for dismantling, there are none to borrow in the premises. It is difficult to extract equipment from the purchase.
Auction delivery:
Date: 2025-01-24
Time: 09:00 - 13:00
Address: Will be on the invoice to the purchasing customer.
The loading zone is located near the premises.
Important info
Payment must have been received by us before you can pick up the goods, so pay in time.
Invoice copy and proof of payment must be brought to the pick up. The buyer shall at the appointed time arrange collection, any disassembly / packing of the item.
PLEASE NOTE! Any pallet and pallet accessories seen in the picture are not included unless otherwise stated in the description.