Auction Closes

Thursday, 2025-03-20 15:37 UTC+01:00

5D 8H 26M

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SERVICE FEE: 16% of winning bid

Current bid

100 SEK

100 SEK = 9.07 EUR

excl 25% VAT

No reserve price



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Info Shipping Exhibition Pick up Auction type
Brand Wibe
Model WTS 44P 4S

Stepladder Wibe WTS 44P 4S

  • Manufacturer: Wibe Ladders
  • Model: WTS 44P-4S
  • Height: approx. 0.95 m
  • Weight: approx. 6.1 kg
  • Material: Aluminum with plastic details
  • Certification: EN 131, RISE certified
  • Features:
    • Non-slip steps
    • Stable platform
    • Plastic tool shelf on top

Important info

All bids are binding and the service fee is charged on all items. Any deviations from equivalent second-hand goods are described under the section Remarks in the description of the Item and thus PS is not responsible for the deviation.
The item is NOT TESTED by the auction firm unless otherwise specified in the object description. The object description is done with the best of our knowledge but not binding in detail.
PLEASE NOTE! Any pallet and pallet accessories seen in the picture are not included unless otherwise stated in the description.

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Utlämningen sker i dialog med säljande kund efter avslutad auktion när fakturan är betald. När PS Auction kan se inbetalningen skickar vi ut kontaktuppgifter till säljande kund.

Objekten lämnas ut vid medtag av digitalfaktura, ifall ombud hämtar skall det finnas fullmakt och fotokopia på körkort av köparen.

Adress: Fås utav handläggare efter vunnen auktion.
Utleverans: Önskas under V.14 (Dagtid 31mars till 4 april)

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Important info

Payment must have been received by us before you can pick up the goods, so pay in time. 
Invoice copy and proof of payment must be brought to the pick up. The buyer shall at the appointed time arrange collection, any disassembly / packing of the item.

PLEASE NOTE! Any pallet and pallet accessories seen in the picture are not included unless otherwise stated in the description.


A company is shuting down some of its operations and need help with clearing the premises and selling equipment they no longer need. This differs from bankruptcy since it's a voluntary sale.