Shipping can be paid via Swish 123 606 66 66 or Bankgiro: 5533-1409. Enter item number. The recipient of payment is Gustatempe, who takes care of shipping and handling. Receipt sent after payment. No message needs to be sent after. The item number is used to derive the payment for the shipment.
Shipping costs including VAT for private individuals and companies to pickup points (please note that we currently do not offer packages with delivery)
First item number: SEK 149
Second and subsequent item numbers: SEK 89
Price example for 4 item numbers: SEK 416
Enter item number as message!
- The item will be shipped to your address on your PS Auction account. If a different delivery address is required, it will be added to your PS Auction account. No alternative delivery addresses are accepted via email or telephone.
- Packages are insured for SEK 150 kilos. If you want extended insurance, contact
- Parcels are sent primarily with Schenker and to the agent they specify by default for the postal code. Other shipping methods may occur.
- No notification that shipping has been paid or delivery addresses need to be emailed.
- If no notification has come within 7 days of payment, contact
- Contact if you have questions about shipping.
Please note that when purchasing shipping, the shipping cost is NOT refunded in the event of a complaint. Shipping is in no way related to PS Auction but is an external service. Please take this into account if shipping is required.
Keep in mind that no complaints about notifications not arriving as they should will be taken into account. The package is announced with and sent within 1-2 days after payment. It is your responsibility to check that these notifications are received and to notify us if anything is missing.