Grundfos water pump, CRN16 with Backer electric cartridges and plate heat exchanger
1st Grundfosvattenpump
Capacity 16m3 / h
16/100 bar / 110 degrees max
4st Backer electric cartridges with connection boxes
Type: K13A
Volt: 400V
AMP: Max 20A
Pressure: Max 9Bar
9psc in total of plate heat exchanger from different manufacturers
1pcs from Alfa Laval
Type: CB52-30H
S / N: 18217931
Manufacturing date: 20071022
3 pcs from GEA Ecobraze
Type: L25-40-G2G2
S / N: 25164021002003
Manufacturing date: 20021002
5pcs from SWEP
Type: B15 * 30
S / N: 39610 13030 06186
Manufacturing date: 1996