All equipment has been in the Gibson innovation showroom. The items are not tested by the auction company.
Auction Closes
Thursday, 2018-05-31 15:46 UTC+02:00
Auction ended
Have any questions about the item?
Niklas Strååt
X_William Grönlund
A sustainable action
The climate footprint of a corresponding newly produced item is approx 29kg CO2 Click here to find out more
All equipment has been in the Gibson innovation showroom. The items are not tested by the auction company.
If you want transportation assistance (only within Sweden), contact the handler in charge.
Enligt ök med handläggare
Tuesday 5 June 2018 09:00 - 12:00 UTC+02:00
Knarrarnäsgatan 7 16440 Kista, Sweden
OBS: Detta är enda chansen att hämta inropade objekt från denna auktion.
Objekten finns en våning upp.
Man går in via huvudentrén, sedan tar man vänster vid hissarna och går igenom matsalen, upp för en trappa på vänster sida med skylten ''Liveit'' ovanför.
PLEASE NOTE! This is a judicial sale since the objects belong to a bankruptcy. According to our terms it is therefore not possible to make a complaint regarding these objects.
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There is no reserve price for this item. That means that the highest bid will always be a winning bid.
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The bid has not yet reached the reserve price which is the price that the seller is willing to sell the item for. If the auction ends without the reserve price being reached, one of the following will happen. 1) The seller accepts the bid and an invoice is sent to the bidder within 3 working days. 2) A representative from PS Auction calls the bidder to negotiate the price within 3 working days. 3) The seller does NOT accept the bid. The item is either not sold at all or re-auctioned.
Reserve price reached
The bid has reached the reservation price the seller is willing to sell the item for. Unless something unforeseen happens, the bidder will receive an invoice for the item after the auction has ended.
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