Technical specifications
- max. working width on the surface tables 260 mm
- total length of surface table 1040 mm
- max. stock removal 3 mm
- no. of knives 2
- multifunction saw / planer roof 90-45 degrees
- knives measuring 260x25x3 mm
- the thickness of the cast iron dimensions of the table 260x450 mm
- feed rate of thicker 6 m / min
- min / max. working height of thicker
3/200 mm
- saw spindle forming table dimensions 224x1040 mm - saw blade inclined 90-45 degrees
- max. saw blade diameter 250 mm
- max. saw blade projection at 90 ° from table 75 mm / 45 ° mm.60
- Aluminum slide trolley 1200 mm
- cutting width of the rope roof 500 mm
- max. spindle working height 75 mm
- the rotary speed of the spindle former 5000-7500 rpm
- max. dia. on the router tool 160 mm
- max. tool diameter submerged below table 150 mm
- power output (# 3 motors) 2.5 HP / 1.8 kW 50 Hz v.400
- the net weight of the base machine 250 kg
- spindle former available with the following diameters: 30 mm - a "1/4
what you see in the pictures is what comes with the machine
info from manufacturers
see link below for area of use